What's Your Passion?


Hello, my name is Kim and I would like to know what is your passion? What is it that gives you complete 

joy? What is it that make you feel a sense of accomplishment? What makes you feel as though you were 

born to do this? Why am I asking you this?  I am asking you this question as many of us go through life 

doing things we don't enjoy. We fulfill the needs of others and all too many times realize there was no 

purpose or satisfaction that helped us meet the goals and requirements we set for ourselves.  It is very

important to do the things in life that bring joy. It brings confidence as well as helps others achieve their

goals in life. I believe that the passion to create is the answer that someone else needs in life. The passion 

that lies inside of you dormant is waiting to lend someone a helping hand. It is the same driving force that 

can facilitate a new career, a new business, a mentorship or a solution to a problem that needs solving. 

What are you waiting for? There will never be a perfect time to do what you are passionate about! You 

have already spent a lifetime of waiting and wandering. Now is the time to put your passion into action!

There are so many resources that can help you get started. Research your passion and begin the necessary

steps to get started. Someone needs you to be absolutely you! Someone needs your passion. Won't you 

answer the call. I believe that you will feel better and that your passion can lead you to ideas and places 

that you have not thought of or even dreamed of. No excuses? It's time to get passionate! It's time to 

make it happen. You see worrying will not ever change your position in life, it will only make you feel 

more stressed. Don't worry! Just do! Coming to a place near you passions in the making!
